Whitney's Grandma and Grandpa planned a very special family reunion last week. All of Whitney's cousins and other family members gathered in Oceanside, California for a week of relaxation. And it was a great getaway.
Vacationing with Whit is always an adventure. Luckily she stayed healthy and after the first few days, all the aunts and uncles remembered to keep their phones hidden and out of Whit's reach. We spent a lot of time relaxing on the beach, where Whitney laughed and laughed as she sat in the ocean and splashed in the waves. She also got a huge kick out of getting sand everywhere. It took multiple washings to get it all out of her hair and we won't even talk about her swimsuit. Hopefully, there was a little sand left on the beach.

We spent one day touring Sea World and enjoying the animal shows. I think Whitney's favorite was the sea lion show. She laughed like crazy at all tricks they did. The penguin encounter was definitely her favorite exhibit. She just loves penguins. I think it might be the funny way they walk. Sea World is probably not in the same league as Disney's park but they took great care of Whitney. Her special needs pass got her quick access to any of the rides she was interested in. (The Journey to Atlantis water roller coaster was her favorite. "Again, again, again!") And when Whitney lost her stuffed souvenir penguin, the manager at the information booth, personally escorted Whit back to the shop to get her another one free of charge. He really made our day.
It was really good to get out of our routine for a bit and relax as a family. Caring for Whitney's needs as well as the other kids, while we're on the road, is a bit of work. But it's always worth it when we get to make some lasting memories together.
Hi Whitney
Hi My Name is Jenna
You are beautiful, and inspiration and I love your smile. I am so happy you had so much fun with your cousins, and family.
Tis a lesson you should heed,
Try, try again;
If at first you don't succeed,
Try, try again;
Then your courage should appear,
For, if you will persevere,
You will conquer, never fear;
Try, try again
who invented fire? some bright spark
I was born with a rare life threatening disease, and 14 other medical conditions.
Hi Jenna, you are so kind. Thank you! Whitney sends you a big hug.
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