Wednesday, May 07, 2008

2008 1p36 Deletion Conference Details Announced

In 2007, the 1p36 Deletion Support group officially met together for the first time in Jacksonville, Florida in November.  We had some great speakers and really enjoyed talking and learning from each other.  It was so much fun to see just how similar our children really are and to share stories with others who truly understand us.

This year, another group of hard-working support group members are busy putting together a conference in Boston, Massachusetts on September 12th through the 14th.  Sessions will take place at the Best Western New Englander and a discount rate is available for families wishing to stay there for the conference.  More information and contact info can be found in the 1p36 Deletion Support Group forums.  In addition to speakers and social time, this year the organizers are talking about excursions to the local zoo and aquarium, which would be an absolute blast for the kids.

We aren't sure as a family if we'll be able to attend.  After all four of us flying down to last year's conference and our road trip to Disneyland, our travel budget is a bit tapped out.  But that doesn't mean we wouldn't love to spend some time with our great friends in the support group.  So maybe we'll be able to see you there!


NSG said...

Dear Nate, You don't know me but my husband and I have been reading your blog for months. I don't want to leave my story on your blog but I would like to talk to you on the phone. Please e-mail me and I will e-mail you back with my home number to discuss our situation. Kind regards, ISG

NSG said...

Please e-mail me at

Anonymous said...

We have 8 children, our youngest has 1p36. We are very interested in the support meeting in Boston. If any more information becomes available, please contact me.

Nate said...

Hi William,

The best way to get info on the upcoming conference is to check out the posts in the 1p36 deletion support group. If you're not a member, please consider joining us. The parents there have been so helpful. I'll include a link to the group below. It's also on the right hand side of this blog's main page.

I'll also continue to post information about the conference here on this site as more details become available.