Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Mobility Is On The Way!

I've mentioned time and time again, how badly I'd like for my daughter to be able to get around a little bit. That way she can reach toys and play more interactively with other children. And it looks like she's getting there quickly.

On Friday last week I came home to find VHS tapes scattered all over my living room floor. When I asked my wife what was going on, she said that my daughter had scooted across the room and gotten into them earlier in the day. She decided to leave them there for me to see our daughter's first mess.

On Saturday, the whole family dropped in to visit a friend of mine in his new home. He and his wife had just bought some tiny baby kittens. My daughter manhandled one of them when it got to close so the little things kept their distance after that. But my little one wanted to play with them so badly, she nearly got up on her hands and knees to chase after them.

It won't be long until she's really moving about and getting into things. While it might seem strange to parents of a typical child that I'm excited about this. I really want my daughter to be able to run and play. So scooting and preparing to crawl are exciting steps in the right direction.

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