The good news is that lately Whitney has been much healthier. Earlier this year we were averaging one day of sick stomach at least every other week. Colds that lead to sinus infections and a doctor's visit were happening every month. But the last month, Whitney has been feeling great. Melanie has been trying some new vitamins as well as a new warm, sterile humidifier that runs during the night next to her bed and they seem to be helping. In fact Whitney hasn't even had an ear infection lately. And that's one of the things she constantly struggles with.
We've been very grateful to have such a healthy, happy girl around the house over the last little bit and we hope things continue. It feels so good to have her healthy and able to do the things she loves. And during the tough times that may come, these good times give us something to look back on and be thankful for.
Above is a shot of Whitney the Super Girl before she headed around the neighborhood last week to collect an obscene amount of candy
Yay!!! So glad to hear Whit is feeling good! And that is very encouraging to think that perhaps our kids get stronger and healthier as they get older. I love the new pictures of your family. You have a beautiful family :)
Whitney looks so big!!! She is definately growing up. Glad to hear she is doing so well- hope it continues throughout the winter. Miss you guys and hope you all stay well! Zoe has been feeling better in the past week or two after a kind of lousy summer so things are looking up here to.
mispelt too. my bad :(
Nice! It's always good when they are healthy and happy.
Thanks! It does appear that there is hope for healthier children with more robust immune systems as they get older. Fingers crossed. ;-) As we head into winter and cold season, I hope your families will be healthier too!
Such a cute Super girl. Love the costume!!! Glad to hear she is doing better. I know that Taylor has done so much better since the adnoids came out. I think they made a huge difference.
Love the new Family picture!!!
Thanks, Jenny! It was definitely time for an update to the photos around here. The family has grown a lot. :-) Give Taylor a big hug from us! Glad she's doing well.
She is so adorable! Excited to see you guys this weekend. Also, wondering if you could add my blog to your blog list? Trying to get our blog out there more as well in the community. Thanks!
Hi Heather, got you added. Thanks! See you guys tomorrow. We're excited to hang out with you!
Hi. I hope Whitneys good health is continuing. Do you mind me asking what vitamins you are having this success with? Poor Uisneach is now having his seventh upper respiratory infection in six months and we're urgently looking for ideas to boost his immune system. Thanks Miriam
This is Whitney's mom. I have been using Doterra Oils. They are essential oils. They are the purest oils that is why I use them. They are more expensive then other oils, but more pure. You can actually become a agent/consultant and get them at whole sale instead of retail which will make it cheaper for you. I think there is a 35 dollar fee for becoming an agent. But it's worth it. If you don't want to be an agent you can go through who I do, her name is Casey Pace and this is her sight. http://www.mydoterra.com/caseypace/
I use the blends OnGuard, and Breathe. OnGaurd will help build the immune system and help get over colds and common virus quicker. (it won't stop from getting sick, but will help get over things quicker.) You can also use it on counter tops and use for cleaning. You can use OnGuard topically to the feet or you can drink it or use the diffuser. (The best way to take OnGaurd is to drink it! You just put one drop into a 4 oz. glass of water. I usually syring it into Whitney after that. If you can't get Uisneach to drink it rub a drop or two on the feet! If sick do it twice a day, otherwise do it once a day to build up the immune system especially when we are in the cold/flu season.)
Breathe is a respiratory blend it helps you breathe easier. It cleanses and soothes the airways, and can easily be applied topically to the chest, back, or bottom of feet. You can also use a diffuser. Do not drink it!
I just found out that there is a book that discribes each of the oils and blends and tells you what they can be used for. I don't have it yet, but will be purchasing it soon! :)
I wasn't sure at first if I wanted to get into using the oils, but I won't go back! It has really helped her! Hope that helps! If you have any other questions let me know you can get a hold of me through 1p36 site on facebook.
Melanie thank you so much for taking the time to let me know all of this. I will definitely look into these oils. I never would've thought to look into something like this. Thanks again, Miriam
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